This building aim to improve quality of life and environmental approach in the heart of a business quarter in Lyon.
Intelligent management of resources, control of consumption, performance and innovation guided the design of this building. A mobile app is available with several intelligent and connected services dedicated to the user who can access real-time information related to the building and its environment.

What key aspect(s) of the New European Bauhaus initiative does the project fit best with?
How does the project contribute to these aspects?
This building has been designed to reduce its impact on the environment and to control energy consumption for the occupants’ well-being. It will be certified NF HQE “Bâtiment tertiaire”, level Excellent and certified “BREEAM” level Excellent. To contribute to the sustainability objective, all SINIAT products are A+ (non-VOC emission content), the plasterboards are certified Cradle to Cradle level Bronze, the plasterboard plants are ISO 14001 certified.