Many Knauf products were used for the interior, including facing panels and floor and ceiling systems for unique drylining constructions. Knauf W623 furring is used in the conference hall, double lining with Knauf GKB 15 mm and a modified Knauf D116 ceiling with suspended acoustic absorbers. In the cafe, an innovative, triple layer ceiling was constructed, comprising a layer of Fireboard panels, a second layer of Silentboard and Diamant panels and a third layer of Cleaneo panels.

What key aspect(s) of the New European Bauhaus initiative does the project fit best with?
How does the project contribute to these aspects?
The newly constructed philharmonic hall in the centre of the town blends in seamlessly with the architecture of the Polish coastal town of Szczecin. It is the unique and state-of-the-art building providing excellent acoustic and extraordinary interior design.