Inside the Palace, the so called four “Italian Powers” are described, thanks to the help of 21 autonomous regions and provinces. The power of “Know how” expresses stories of applied professionalism with which Italians have found solutions by doing business. The power of “Beauty” where 21 panoramas and 21 architectural masterpieces show the beauty of Italy.
The power “of the limit” deals with the ability to express the best of oneself in prohibitive conditions and in the most difficult circumstances. The power “of the future”, where a nursery of 21 floors representative of the Italian regions symbolize the country as the power of the future. The visitor can find the exhibition of markets. In a 100-meter-long space of total darkness, managed by the Italian Blind Union, visitors can experience the unrepeatable experience of deprivation.

What key aspect(s) of the New European Bauhaus initiative does the project fit best with?
How does the project contribute to these aspects?
- Environmentally friendly boards - Gypsum based innovation for external applications (Italian market) - Products that improve the quality of life