Eligibility period
Recent achievement (2012-2021)
EXPO Milano 2015
Gypsum product manufacturer
Etex Building Performance Spa
POSCO Engineering Co, Ltd
CMC (Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti), Ravenna, and CMB
Other partners
Coiver Contract Srl
Project start/Completion date
2015 / 2015
The Korean Pavilion is inspired by the traditional South Korean ceramic pot which is used for food storage. It is one of the structures built by CMC of Ravenna (together with CMB), which also created the French and Thai Pavilions. It has an undulation façade raised from the ground that envelops the entire structure. The structure includes 490 tons of metal carpentry and completely dry external and internal systems.

What key aspect(s) of the New European Bauhaus initiative does the project fit best with?
How does the project contribute to these aspects?
- Environmentally friendly boards - Curved shape spaces - Economic and accessible spaces