Canfranc International Station is a railway station located in the Spanish municipality of Canfranc (Huesca). The international station is a building inaugurated in 1928 with an elongated floor plan with a bright and elegant interior. It has a functional distribution of the spaces starting from a central vestibule covered with a large dome. The project is focused on the restoration of the lobby, where the plaster decoration interior had practically disappeared, which meant a major issue on site given that the missing models had to be modeled with the support of photographs. For its reconstruction it has made rigid molds and, using Iberyola® E / 35, made the replicas, taking advantage of the great fineness of the product that allows a finish of high whiteness and perfection. The few original remains that have been preserved have been consolidated and reintegrated with Iberyola® stucco and inert filler.

What key aspect(s) of the New European Bauhaus initiative does the project fit best with?
How does the project contribute to these aspects?
The artisan work in plaster has made a historical monument useful and accessible. Furthermore, collaboration between different organizations has been necessary to carry out this restoration.