P2C is a very important project from the Loiret area with the construction of 2 high schools, one in Dadonville and the other one in Pithiviers.
The ambition was clearly to realize an environmental project, on the energy aspect: those buildings will consume less energy that they will product:
- Respect of the environment
The building materials are biobased, sustainable and the buildings have the label HQE and BePOS.
- Promote the local Economy
The compagnies chosen by BBCSO are from the region of Loiret and 25 000 hours of work from social insertion and training programs were done in order to help young people and persons in difficulties in the region.
- Innovation
All the administrative process was paperless, and we did promote the BIM: the modelling allows us to consume less paper. Link to the video video : https://youtu.be/X-s4tm50Hj8

What key aspect(s) of the New European Bauhaus initiative does the project fit best with?
How does the project contribute to these aspects?
The DEFENTEX plasterboard is a breakthrough innovation which offers exterior walls bracing and rain barrier performances.